Monday, September 7, 2009

Love Tuesday’s Hate Monday’s :D

Hey guys, just had a nice long weekend 3 day’s off including Monday!!!, really hate Mondays why is it so typical for someone/everybody to hate such a day? *put on thinking hat* or i might just Google it anyways LOL. Anyways what up with me? what’s going on? Well i went to a big department store lately while browsing around the toy store for some reason i don’t know why i was there. i bump into NERF, anyone heard of it? but no matter so i was there standing and mesmerizing the NERF guns yeap you heard it alright it’s somewhat a dart guns which is cool in appearance. It got me on the first glance i quickly Google it on my iphone, first thing on my mind was “SHOOTING DISTANCE” lol  it came out pretty good for a toy. Best of all since the toy has been around for past 3-4 years, it can be mod!! yipee the joy of modding. Custom painting, Increase shooting distance, faster reloading, etc.. Ahhh another project to do, it should get me busy couple of weeks.



Pictures for your eyes!


64979415448_Main400ulcan EBF-25


nerf-gun-reconRecon CS-6


Nerf-N-Strike-Longshot-CS-6Longshot CS-6



reconmodRecon CS-6 Mod!!!!! 






Thursday, September 3, 2009

Time Flies

Wowee July was my last post? Thought i was back from Hiatus LOL. Actually have been busy lately with reality spending time with my fiance and had been on trainning last couple weeks. Trainning was fun had a lot of insights regarding deployment of OS's, how to fit an OS installation + Applications + Updates + drivers in a single USB and we could actually save time doing this. Imagine you had to install let say 10 PC's manually inserting the OS CD's, an hour later installing the Applications and so on, which can take you up to err 2-3hrs getting the PC running with the desired installations. Solution to that is the ZTI (Zero Touch Installation) or the LTI (Lite touch Installation) involves only either clicking or type in some minor detail, these to type installation can cut time efficiently that you can also just leave it running for an hr for a complete install. Best of all you can duplicate the installation in the USB and run in other machines simulatenously, note that the OS licenses needs VLK for mass installations. If you want to know more details of what of talking about, you can google for MDT or BDD, its a really good product from Microsoft best of all its FREE. :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yet another post by me in a day: A backdated post 25/07/2009

Hey guys,

Do you own an Apple computer? an imac? macbook? And you just recently bought a humongous external drive to backup data using Time machine or simply copying files onto it. Next thing you plug the external drive to a Windows machine it does not read / detect any drive mounting onto it? Haveeee noo fearrr.. I found that there’s this one handy dandy piece of software that i found way back when i was a young padawan myself using Macs. I wont be reviewing it since I’m uploading this post at my office -_-” dont have time to do so.

Download Here Enjoy!! ———> Macdrive

Lazy Sunday: Back from HIATUS

Do you ever get the feeling that your weekends is just not enough? i mean you work for 5-6 days per week and you have the weekend to relax but instead you go places, hang around, go window shopping etc and later in the day you feel that your weekend was just like normal day that you wish that you should’ve stayed home do stuff, watch tv be a couch patato and maybe sleep all day. Well i DO, i kinda miss doing stuff during weekends, doing chores, watch tv series/anime, play online/console games, all the leisure i did in the past that i can think of. Nowadays i tried to occupy myself with things that interests me: technology, im really impress how internet is so vast with informations that with search engine like google knowledge can be viewed within seconds. For example just last month went browsing through youtube and came across a video about xbox 360 RROD fix, i was hook with it and convinced that i can fix it myself after watching the video. Read alot of sites and forums, within days after that found out there were people selling RROD xbox 360 console for $100 complete 60gb pro console. Can’t believe that now i owned an xbox 360 and the best thing yet is i FIX it by myself. How sweet is that? That pretty much got me busy for the whole week which is really worth it for me heh.

Download of the day: Kaspersky Internet Security

Recommended for all Windows user’s who needs protection against pesky viruses, spy wares, trojans, intrusions and etc. It’s offer a 30 day trial so user can test it’s capabilities before really buying it!